Monday, March 14, 2011


I want to know when you have your kids do their homework? Right after school? Later on? What has worked best for you?


  1. I have tried both ways.... doing it right after school, and waiting till closer to bedtime. And obviously for kids that have a lot going on after school they most likely have no choice but to do it later when all the activities for the day are over. However, for me it works best to let Keldon rest for about a half hour after school and then we get right to it. It gives us both peace of mind knowing it's done and we don't have to worry about it...and we can relax and enjoy our family time together before bedtime. Might not work for everyone, but it works for me :)

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  3. Right after school works best for us! If I wait to long its a fight to get her to do it. I also agree with Julia, once its done you have the rest of the day to relax!!!!

  4. I like to get homework done right after school because my kids have a 7 pm bedtime and we like to have time in the evening for scripture reading and family prayer!
